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Re: Die WdG-Spielteile Thaura und Mithra
Verfasst: Sa 11. Dez 2021, 03:20
von ZadF
Tja, da hatte ich schon so einiges an Arbeit hineingesteckt ... und man bedenke, das war vor knapp 29 Jahren! Es wird nicht einfach sein, das heutzutage noch wesentlich schöner und informativer darzustellen (von Farbe einmal abgesehen).
Re: Die WdG-Spielteile Thaura und Mithra
Verfasst: Di 14. Dez 2021, 16:01
von ZadF
Ich habe den ersten Beitrag dieses Themas noch einmal überarbeitet, um den dreifachen Aufbau des damaligen WdG (Mithra-Thaura-WdG) besser darzustellen.
Falls sich genügend MItspieler für das "neue" Welt der Götter einfinden, könnte, derzeit nur als Gedankenspiel, ein "Anfänger"spiel wieder hinzugesellt werden - und/oder eine englischsprachige Version von WdG.
Re: Die WdG-Spielteile Thaura und Mithra
Verfasst: Di 14. Dez 2021, 16:12
von ZadF
Hier als Beispiel eine englischsprachige Spielzugauswertung der Spieleversion WdG des Segmentes EDEN.
(Einige Zeichen werden falsch dargestellt, da der verwendete Zeichensatz unterschiedlich war - zudem sind die Tabellenüberschriften hier in deutsch):
Code: Alles auswählen
*** Welt der G”tter, Segment Eden ************************************
Kingdom of Darkwood, [King EMAR]
Game turn 07, Arudin 595, Printed on: 30.08.1995
The next deadline is on 14.09.1995!
*** The Kingdom ******************************************************
Your territory is unchanged at 46 gemarks!
Your ruler's popularity is very high.
*** The Treasury *****************************************************
At the start of the moon the treasury was 323,368 Goldstars
- The monthly salary for your armies was 13,429 Goldstars
- Costs of recruitment 2,000 Goldstars
+ The income from taxation was 39,400 Goldstars
At the end of the moon your treasury is 347,339 Goldstars
*** The Territory ****************************************************
Gemark Gel„ndeart EW% Siedlung Milizen Ereignisse
750.41 Upland 100 200 -
750.46 Lowland river valley 100 300 -
750.47 Upland 100 200 -
750.48 Highland 100 100 -
751.01 Upland 100 200 -
751.03 Upland 100 200 -
751.04 Upland 100 200 -
751.06 Lowland river valley 100 300 -
751.08 Upland 100 Waskir/214 2,200 -
751.09 Upland 100 200 -
751.11 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.12 Lowland river valley 100 300 -
751.13 Upland 100 200 -
751.14 Upland 100 200 -
751.15 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.17 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.18 Lowland river valley 100 300 -
751.21 Lowland forest 100 Walhal/605 3,005 -
751.22 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.25 Lowland river valley 100 300 -
751.26 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.27 Lowland forest 100 Petra/ 91 74 -
751.28 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.29 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.30 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.33 Lowland river valley 100 300 -
751.34 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.36 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.37 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.39 Lowland river valley 100 300 -
751.41 Lowland forest 100 Serske/203 2,200 U
751.42 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.43 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.46 Lowland forest 100 200 -
751.47 Lowland forest 100 200 -
752.07 Lowland forest 100 200 -
752.18 Upland 100 200 -
781.24 Lowland forest 100 200 -
781.25 Lowland forest 100 200 -
781.26 Upland 100 200 -
781.31 Lowland forest 100 200 -
781.32 Lowland forest 100 200 -
781.38 Lowland forest 100 200 -
781.39 Highland 100 100 U
781.44 Lowland forest 100 200 -
790.10 Upland 100 200 -
*** The Settlements **************************************************
Gr”áe/ Rstkapazit„t Bauwerke
Gemark Name im Bau in Milizen K S Q H A V T M ?
751.08 Waskir 214/--- 2,200 1
-> Self building increase: 7
751.21 Walhalla 605/--- 3,005 1 1
-> Self building increase: 1
751.27 Petra 91/--- 74 1
751.41 Serske 203/--- 2,200 1
*** The Armies *******************************************************
Army from to Army Commander
No Gemark Gemark Number Moral Experienc Typ
2001 000.00 000.00 0 [Warrior] --- - Comm
2002 000.00 000.00 0 [Warrior] --- - Comm
2003 000.00 000.00 0 [Warrior] --- -- Comm
2004 751.19 751.19 363 Warrior ----- + Comm
The soldiers helped the local farmers...
2005 751.20 751.20 1,936 Warrior - - Comm
The soldiers organized sports games...
2006 751.40 751.40 867 Rider -- - Comm
The soldiers took some trips to the local taverns... Due to a
low morale and desertion, we lost 17 soldiers!
2007 751.27 751.27 681 Rider - -- Comm
The soldiers had a good time...
2008 000.00 000.00 0 [Warrior] --- -- Comm
2009 000.00 000.00 0 [Warrior] --- + Comm
2010 751.27 751.27 1,481 [Construction Work - +++ Comm
There were 200 Construction Workers newly recruited. The
soldiers organized sports games...
An independent commander came to offer his services. He is a
Commander and is able to command Warriors . His experience is very
small and he requests a bounty of 2,271 Goldstars.
*** Reconaissance Reports ********************************************
Gemark S Terrain Type Milizen Kingdom of
751.19 Lowland forest 0 --
751.20 Lowland forest 400 --
751.19 Lowland forest 0 --
751.40 Lowland forest 200 Kashira
751.45 Lowland forest 200 Kashira
751.19 Lowland forest 0 --
751.20 Lowland forest 400 --
751.35 Lowland forest 100 --
!> No foreign armies were spotted!
*** Diplomatic Relations *********************************************
KNo Name of Kingdom Name of Ruler Dip. Status
Player's Name and Address to from
K25 Kashira K”nig SHIRAMA 5 5
*** The Reports from the Intelligence ********************************
!> The intelligence has too few funds!
*** Statistical Standings ********************************************
(Minimum - Maximum, ö = Average, X = Your Kingdom)
Territory : X------------------------------ö------------------
Taxation Value: -------------------X------ö-----------------------
Settl. value : ------------------------ö--------X----------------
Treasury : ----------------------------ö---------------X-----
Salary : -----------------X-----ö--------------------------
Militia number: ---------------------Xö---------------------------
Currently, 53% of the landmass of Eden is attached to Kingdoms.